
This is where you can find the latest news and insights about Luxury Inpatient Rehab.
Hypnopompic Hallucinations scaled

Hypnopompic Hallucinations

There are plenty of triggers that lead to hypnopompic hallucinations, such as certain sleep disorders, using different substances, a lack of sleep, and certain physical and mental health disorders

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Insomnia Therapies

Insomnia Therapies

For most people, experts recommend a mixture of sleep aid and cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia or CBT-i.

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Insomnia And Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Insomnia

Insomnia during pregnancy can lead to significant disruptions in everyday life and put a female’s mental and physical health at stake

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Diabetes And Insomnia

Diabetes and Sleep

ust like diabetes can cause issues with sleep, sleep issues can also play a role in triggering or exacerbating diabetes

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Depression And Insomnia

Depression And Insomnia

The complex relationship between depression and insomnia has garnered significant attention in medical and psychological circles. Often intertwined, these two […]

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a prevalent sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep due to the temporary collapse or narrowing of the upper airway

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Sleep Seizures

Sleep Seizures

Also known as nocturnal seizures, sleep seizures describe a jerky or shaky activity that occurs during sleep

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Sleep Anxiety Treatment

Sleep Anxiety

Sleep anxiety, a distressing phenomenon that affects countless individuals, has garnered increased attention in recent years due to its significant impact on overall well-being.

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